Zettelkasten Method and How to Take Smart Notes along Scholarly Reading

This video of Dr. Lin explain in detail how to build up a note-taking system following the Niklas Luhman's Slip-Box Method (or Zettelkasten) and using the Evernote tool. Since its publication on YouTube on July 3, 2020, it has gained over 20k+ views, 650+ upvotes, and 60+ positive comments.

Recent Projects

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It is a digital platform that was created in August 2021 to serve educational researchers globally by providing content and tools for bettering the research process and improving the research productivity and outputs. It also offers an online community for educational researchers.

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Impact of Online Journal Club on Educational Research Literacy: Towards New Model, Measurement, and Practice

To apply online journal club as a signature pedagogy and  to evaluate its effectiveness on improving educational research literacy of researchers and students on the global scale.

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ProgramsIC offers guidance courses for university applications. It helps applicants to see the very details of university programs' application including flow, requirement, deadlines, supporting document list, online application system, program contact, and mentor bonus service.

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The CLEAR Initiative: To Foster Digital Changes in University-Level STEM Education and Faculty Development by Promoting Active Learning

 Inspired by active learning this research explores the potential of a novel mental model CLEAR as a new approach to foster digital changes in undergraduate-level STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education and faculty development. 

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Latest Publication at Emerald

Lin, J., Qin, J., Lyons, T., Nakajima, H., Kawakatsu, S. and Sekiguchi, T. (2022), "The ecological approach to construct entrepreneurship education: a systematic literature review", Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEEE-12-2021-0455.

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Research Topics


  • Research Literacy
  • ELearning
  • Active Learning
  • Entrepreneurship Education


  • Epistemology
  • Instructional Design
  • Psychology
  • Pedagogy
Assistant Profesor (Resigned)

Center for IT-based Education, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan (2020-2024)

Advocator of Creation-Based Learning.

I strongly believe in the psychological paradigms of constructivism and connectivism. I am a fan of Piaget's constructivism learning theory, Papert's constructionism learning theory, Vygotsky's zone of proximal development theory, and Siemens & Downes’ Connectivism theory. As a result, I apply creation-based learning approach to teaching and life-long learning.
In a recent manuscript, I discuss about student content creation activities (SCCAs) as an active learning pedagogy to promote high levels of student performance, engagement, and satisfaction.

Lin's Creations

Keynotes and Invited Talks

Invited keynotes to conferences and invited talks to events.


Given lectures online and offline.


Hosted workshops online and offline.


A collection of online posts.

Conference Presentations

Academic presentations of papers.


Social Media